MovieChat Forums > Rogue One (2016) Discussion > How tricky a position would Disney have ...

How tricky a position would Disney have been in right now if this film had failed?

Obviously, The Last Jedi did extremely well at the box office, but there has been a lot of blow back as well. It remains to be seen how well the Han Solo movie will do, but if it doesn't do well, that, coupled with backlash from many fans over the Last Jedi, would mean things in Star Wars land would be even more unsettled than they are now. Remember, there was fear at the time due to it's troubled production history that Rogue One would turn out to be the disaster that the Hans Solo film MIGHT turn out to be. The positive box office AND fan reaction (mostly) to Rogue One certainly helped stem the tide of mixed news that seemed to mount following the death of Carrie Fisher.


Well if this movie had failed and Han Solo Failed they probably would do away with the standalone idea which still may happen since the third movie still hasn't been announced. Probably want Solo to release before pulling the trigger on Obi Wan.

Other than that e9 would still be on its way but and then meetings upon meetings about the direction to take after that.

PS. Vader scene's greatly helped this movie and I hope Disney wrote that down on the list of things they did right.


Disney has enough going for it now that they can afford a few major failures. The appetite for Star Wars remains fairly high, and recent announcements indicate that they have a lot of confidence in many of the movie/TV projects going forward.


It will be interesting to see how things play out for Han Solo and IX. Han Solo sucking probably won't hurt them that much, since I think people are already going in with lowered expectations, which might actually help it. Both Han Solo AND IX sucking could start to take a toll on the franchise long term though, don't you think? My main point was that Rogue One's relative popularity gave The Last Jedi and Han Solo a bit more breathing room to perform (for some people, anyway) lower than expectations than they would have had otherwise.
