Rogue One, a good Analogy for what the Muslim world is up against.
Meanwhile many are crying about a lone rich guy driving an expensive SUV into a crowd in London; The UK and US has been bombing Middle Eastern villages and drone bombing middle eastern families for well over a decade now, only inflaming the very retaliations they claim to be fighting. You can imagine the horror Middle Eastern families must feel every time they hear a drone approaching not knowing what "error in intelligence" will send a missile flying into one of their market places, weddings, hospitals or homes. This can be likened to the horror London families might have felt when Nazi V1 rockets came sputtering over London wondering where their engines would cut out.
If the early Star Wars movies were often likened to WWII, Rogue One is certainly fitting for the seemingly unbeatable evil empire that enslaves us all, controlling us, spying upon us, and keeping us working nearly every day for the rest of our lives just to afford a roof over our heads while the Muslim world represents the Rebel Alliance. Are all the desert worlds in the movie representative of the Middle East or are they simply the wastelands left over after the destruction to the environments of these worlds the Empire waged against them? Is it representative of the war our Empire of Oil wages on our environments? One such telling sign of this is in Jedu where the mountain carved like a Jedi Knight laying on his side looks very much like a Bedouin warrior. Is the palm tree dotted Scarif Empire outpost much like the Hawaiian Islands which are occupied by numerous US military bases? Are Jyn and Cassian infiltrating Scarif to obtain the plans of the Evil Empire very much like Edward Snowden infiltrated the NSA in Hawaii to expose the behaviors of our evil empire? Is The Empire representative of the British and American governments and their military and the huge multinational corporate industrial complex that control them? Could this explain the British accents?