A New Hope Remastered Edition
Does A New Hope need (another) special edition? Not with the added CGI but I talk about restoring a film a bit and MAYBE editing Leia's first encounter with Vader to match Rogue One?
A New Hope is generally great Star Wars movie but it needs colors and sound fixed. It look and sound too 70s now. While it was a masterpiece when this movie came out in 1977 with outstanding special effects back then, the graphics look weird now. Especially when you look this movie with higher quality than 720 or 1080p.
And it would be great if Lucasfilm does a special editition between Rogue One and A New Hope, by combining two movies into one - by removing R1's ending and ANH's opening crawl and replacing them with transition or planet introduction.
I am a fan of TV crossovers. It connects different shows and puts them into same universe