MovieChat Forums > Rogue One (2016) Discussion > Sensei_rebel sucks! Shut up, Gungan fool...

Sensei_rebel sucks! Shut up, Gungan fool!

Shut your pie hole, Gungan fool! Nobody cares bout yousen stupid political views and propaganda! Trolls like yousa are real reason message boards are being shut down! Nobody here is gonna change yousen diaper, crybaby!

"Ouch time!"


I can see the truth hurts. Don't worry, you're still a precious little snowflake. You libturds, all you do is act like cowards and sit on your fat politically correct ass all day and do nothing.


Nope! Wrong-o, political agenda crybaby! It's yousa fools sitting on yousen bloated "Jabba da Hutt" backsides all day flooding message boards with your political spam crap dat ruined IMDb. Yousa suck elephants butts!

"Ouch time!"
