The go to liberal move of shutting down open discussion
Waaaaa I don't like your opinion it different from mine GO AWAY I need my safe space
shareWaaaaa I don't like your opinion it different from mine GO AWAY I need my safe space
shareAgreed. It's basically censorship. So trolls come in and ruin it, but who cares? This has been going on ever since the internet began.
Does IMDB really care that much about hurt feelings? Nope. They're just too lazy to police all the abusive posts and they're basically giving up.
"This is dead air, Barry....dead air."
Oh, for the love of...
Nobody is stopping you from setting up your own blog and posting whatever nonsense is rattling around in your head. And, unless you expressly state you're going to or are in the process of attempting to commit a felony, nobody is going to arrest you for posting said nonsense.
IMDb is a private website, and we've been posting here as its guests. They set the rules, and they decide when its closing time. And if Amazon feel that these message boards are more trouble than they're worth, then they have every right to shut them down.
If you feel like Picard screaming how many lights there are, it's time to walk away from the thread.
Waaaa I don't like that you people are different from me GET OUT OF MY COUNTRY I need my safe space
If you feel like Picard screaming how many lights there are, it's time to walk away from the thread.
Liberals can't accept a worldview however realistic different from their own they throw tantrums like At Berkeley and shut down discussion
shareMilo Yiannopoulos is an anti-lgbtq ass who doesn't deserve a platform to spew his BS and the university as a private institution had the right to not invite him, only they didn't.
"Not all change is progress, as not all movement is forward."
He's not anti-LGBT. He is gay himself and he brags about. Just because he says crap about other gays doesn't make him a homophobe! His "BS" is the truth. Gladly I'm not the only liberal who agrees with him (on most things).
Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it every six months.
Everyone deserves a platform to express their opinions, Commenter. It's our First Amendment Right. And it's also your right to not listen to him/her if you choose. It's NOT however your right to burn and destroy private and public property in a childish temper tantrum as they have done at UC Berkeley.
Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar and doesn't.
Liberals can't accept a worldview however realistic different from their own they throw tantrums like At Berkeley and shut down discussion
Milo wasn't going there for an open discussion, he was going there to out students and teach his followers how to dox people.
If you feel like Picard screaming how many lights there are, it's time to walk away from the thread.
No, he was going there to ridicule liberals and be persuasive, which is why the left is so terrified of him.
But it's cool. Their/your daily tantrums are going to ensure that you get marginalized more and more.
Liar! These message boards have been a haven of free speech compared to many others! If anyone ruined it, it was Trumptards who constantly spammed these boards with negative political agenda propaganda superimposed on every message board subject!!! Sometimes it outnumbered genuine threads and discussions 10 to 1! Stop blaming everyone else for yousen undoing, trolls!
"Ouch time!"
it was Trumptards who constantly spammed these boards with negative political agenda
Increasingly, IMDb customers have migrated to IMDb's social media accounts as the primary place they choose to post comments and communicate with IMDb's editors and one another. IMDb's Facebook page ( and official Twitter account ( have an audience of more than 10 million engaged fans. IMDb also maintains official accounts on Snapchat (, Pinterest (, YouTube (, and Tumblr (
Because IMDb's message boards continue to be utilized by a small but passionate community of IMDb users,
These boards we're the disease of the internet and a home for toxic trolls and retarded feminazis , im so *beep* sad for you lot haha you will need to find a life outside these boards :))) it's GLORIOUS :))
shareI cannot believe that these boards are closing... its incredibly sad to me. I always enjoy reading about other peoples debates and so forth. I cannot grasp what 'data' those in charge are looking at. The boards seem quite active to me? They have also decided to shut boards at very short notice I think. Like less than a month!
Anything to do with Trump and the political environment this decision? I wonder...
shareLets have some real talk here . You are shutting these boards down because they are viewed as a negative to the average person and more importantly to Hollywood. You don't want that type of negative press which is understandable. Nobody likes bad press. But just know that you are a coward for doing this. You are caving to the pressures of others. You are taking away our voice and our freedom to express ourselves and that is a cowardly act. But worst of all you are straight up lying to us.
Everyone here knows you aren't closing the boards due to some bogus technology or "troll" issue. You're a monster company who makes billions of dollars. You're telling me you can't run simple message boards that have very little additional features? Yeah right. You are 100% caving to the PC world where you aren't allowed to have a voice and everything must be positive. No criticism is allowed. Only sunshine and rainbows. So go ahead shut down the boards. We will find someplace else. But know that by doing this you and everyone at IMDB are cowards.