Who's Willing to Pay for the IMDb Message Boards?
I certainly am.
I am in favor of paying a reasonable annual fee for the privilege of continuing to read others' opinions and insights about movies and TV shows, regardless of whether or not I agree with them, as well as share my own.
IMDb is the most comprehensive site on the Internet to read about and discuss not only movies and TV shows, but also politics and many other subjects.
A reasonable annual fee is a small price to pay for the continued privilege of discussing movies, television, and other topics. Plus, an annual fee might keep troublemakers off the boards. But if they want to pay money to cause trouble, at least they'll be paying for wasting their time.
My question and call to action to others of like mind is, can we start a petition regarding this, and can we somehow contact IMDb and convince them of this idea, either collectively, individually, or both?
ShadowsouL, Self-Appointed Honorary Moof Milker