I'm going to miss the boards, but...
I'm not surprised...this is one of the few message boards still around on a grand scale. It is a dinosaur, so to speak
and I love talking about movies with other folks, but to actually have a civil back and forth discussing things like real humans in person had become so very rare. So much so that I would thank people when they replied to me and didn't say something that wasn't degrading or calling me an idiot or worse. It was rare we could just have a conversation.
then throw in all the hate and political propaganda and so on.
Those reasons are why message boards went away and chat rooms, because they filled up with either robots or agenda pushing folks or folks that were incapable of being a human and treating each other with respect.
folks have moved on to other means of communicating, especially females, as any female is barraged with messages, most unwelcome, when in a public forum, so they have to limit access.
I understand why they are doing away with them, there is so much venom on them, and many folks use other means to communicate now, but I will miss the exchanges with other fans of movies and talking about them like civilized folks, even though it was a rare occurrence.