Hazekia, (Hazekiah? Hazekial? Can't quite remember the spelling... but anyway..) if you read this, I am sorry for ever upsetting you or pi$$ing you off. Please accept my humblest apologies. I only ever wanted spirited debate about this movie. I really didn't hate it as much as I said I did. I hope we can be on good terms for the remainder of this board's existence. Friends?


From a mature and well meaning participant....
All of the trolls can *beep* right off. You have ruined a great resource for millions of people. Your petty minded and infantile *beep* has ruined a global library for a population greater than you will ever be.
*beep* right off.
Farewell to the future. You bastard.


Mate this kind of talk isn't constructive.. It's not like the site is gone forever, just the boards...


no need to be so threatening graeme mate..


lol at the foul mouthed drama queen
🐾Dictated but not beeped🐾


