What would happen on a date between Felicity Jones and @SledgeHammer87?
Here's da polling question message boarders! (Captain Tarpals will tally results and form poll percentages later). Multiple choice question:
What would happen on date between Felicity Jones and @SledgeHammer87?
A) 30 seconds into da date Felicity would excuse herself to da restroom and never come back.
B) They would have a fun time together and make a 2nd date.
C) After dinner Felicity would ask to take pictures of @Sledgehammer while he wears a Jar Jar mask. Then she would ask him to back up into oncoming traffic!
D) @Sledgehammer just sits there and grins and stares at Felicity giving off a creepy vibe. Then him starts jizzling his pants right in front of her! Felicity immediately pepper sprays hims, then unleashes every fighting move she learned and used in Rogue One on him.
E) @Sledgehammer shows Felicity every OP and thread he ever made on IMDb where she was da subject. After a few forced laughs she shoves a restraining order in his mouth and a taser in crotch!
F) Felicity gets turned on by @Sledge. They swap spit and later @Sledge gets "lucky".
G) @Sledge starts saying all da whacked out, idiotic trolling stuff he says on IMDb to Felicity. Then Felicity proceeds to ignore hims and call her publicly agent. She spends da rest of da date having a loud argument over her iPhone about why she "keeps getting setup with nut-jobs and weirdos for these types of things!"
H) 15 minutes into the date, law enforcement agents rush in and tackle @Sledgehammer to da ground and arrest him! Felicity pulls off a wire from underneath her blouse and says "Please tell me this is finally enough to put this bloody stalker away!"
I) Felicity falls asleep after @Sledgehammer never let's Felicity get a word in and just won't shut up about his worshipful obsession with TFA and Donald Trump.
J) It all happened so fast!... A groin kick from Felicity!... A bodyguard beat-down!!... Then @Sledge could be heard yelling "Just let me sniff your panties!! Just let me sniff your panties!!" as he was dragged away and thrown out!
K) 10 minutes into da date Felicity Jones jumps up from da table and runs!
L) Insert yousen own answer here: ____________________
"Ouch time!"