It's not as simple as you describe. There is no "light side", just the Force. Tapping into different emotions gives you access to different powersets. The Sith abilities are derived from malice, anger, pain, etc. You cannot master the full capabilities of the Force until you master your emotions.
I think the OP stated this in the OP. He noted the
artistic brilliance of the presentation of a dual nature (good and evil) to the force, but took issue with it on a more philosophical level in-line with your reply.
The issue I see if with the identified "sides" being light and dark, your characters identify with the "light and dark." We see the physical and psychological effects of conversion to the dark side is stark and immediate as shown in episode 3. The resulting Darth Vader was very much unlike Anakin Skywalker. This transition took minutes once Palpatine-Mace acted to catalyst the conversion to the "dark side." This literally resulted in Vader's eye color changing.
What Disney has done in TFA, where Kylo Ren speaks of a "pull to the light", is actually dumbing down the original Force concept by turning it into simple black vs. white, as you've described.
Ren's being manipulated into believing the dark side is the only alternative to the inferior light side (from his vantage point). Snoke flat-out states he likes Ren due to his connection to the light and the dark (across the spectrum bridging the two extremes), but Ren only focuses on the dark so far as we see.
Because these categories exist in the minds of the characters whose emotions you state control the direction of the force and how it's wielded, Ren is a practioner of the dark side of the force and not the light side to our knowledge.
There is no mystical competition between "sides" of the Force. The only thing that matters, BEFORE DISNEY, is the emotions that drive the Force user.
Your points, though interesting, are not valid on the whole. Disney is not inserting anything about some mystical competition b/w the sides of the force. There is, however, a very prominently featured set of changes shown repeatedly to alter characters based on how far they trend toward one end of the dark-light force spectrum, with temptation toward the dark being extremely enticing as Mace Windu who used the "dark side" on the regular noted many, many, many times.