MovieChat Forums > Fear the Walking Dead (2015) Discussion > I've never seen this much stupidity and ...

I've never seen this much stupidity and dumbassary in writing before.

I'm 2 seasons in, and I can't believe how many ignorant and senseless things these people do. The writing is contrived for cause and effect, and the approach to get there is unrealistic and asinine. Not sure if I can continue with this mess.


That pretty much sums it up. The only reason to watch during the original run was to come to IMDb for the entertainment of watching the fanboys do their mental gymnastics to explain/justify the nonsense in the show and to commiserate with those that had some sense.


I was very lukewarm on the show until half way thru S02 where it finally got interesting. Then came S03 where it hit it's peak & which I liked more than the then current season of TWD.

THEN came S04, where they fucked everything up & never recovered IMO.


I remember back when the show first started, the first thing where I realized that something was wrong with the writing was the 9 day timeskip after episode 3 of the show. Completely unnecessary. The show went from pre-apocalypse to post-apocalypse and 10 million Los Angelinos disappeared into thin air without actual explanation. The show was supposed to be about how society fell apart so quickly after the outbreak, instead they skipped right over it.

The next thing was when they left the gate wide open to their fenced neighborhood as they departed, their neighbors would have all been wiped out by the walkers after they left. Madison, Travis, Daniel, Ofelia, Alicia, Nick all responsible for their neighbors deaths.

The next thing was when they unlocked a stadium full of a thousand walkers, and led them to a hospital to rescue someone who was already dead, a drug addict named Nick, and some new guy named Viktor Strand, in the process killing hundreds of people as the hospital was overrun. Not even Negan was this horrific in the original show.

And all of that is in just the very first season.....


There were so many wonderful discussions back then. Almost too much to list here.

Playing Monopoly instead of listening/watching news.

Don't peek out of the blinds, but point a flashlight out the window.

See Travis pulling up to the house, but instead of going out the door to where you can directly see him RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU, run out the back through the backyard maze.

Leave doors open literally everywhere you go. Open the door to let in the dog. Turn your back on the open door to pet the dog. Leave your house to rob the neighbor of his shotgun and leave your door open. Then when you break into the neighbor's house, leave that door open too, as you go inside.

And of course, the TWD staple of characters not communicating the most basic of information, no matter how critical or how simple to say.


The costumes in this TV series are retarded... Anyone could construct an outfit that is breathable and puncture proof and it will cover 95%+ of the human body.


You've never seen this much stupidity and dumbassary in writing before, eh? Me thinketh you never saw the first two seasons of Star Trek - The Next Generation!!!


Actually, I'm a major Trekkie. I made a post on that board about how bad the first season was. It was so bad that I didn't watch the 2nd season. Skipped right to the 3rd one. But you're right. They're bad.
