So Alicia is *spoiler

Immune to the bite ?
You either have it or don’t .
. it doesn’t linger .. thats bs


Wtf is a spoiker


Obviously typed a k instead of l


No shit!


GOD??? Is that you?


Yes. Slave.


Catching up on this now.The whole season just felt corny and disjointed.Since when does the virus linger as if it were a common cold.She's either immune or their changing the rules.Also how was Alicia able to cut through bone with that weapon.The excruciating pain and blood loss alone would have caused her to pass out before she got the arm off.

And Victors become ridiculous.I used to like his character.The writers have turned him into some kind of cheesy James Bond villain.


Yeah, i just did the same. Show is basically garbage now.

Victor use to be one of my favorite characters, along with Daniel, but both their characters suck now.

I've always disliked Alicia. Too bad she's still on show.


Agreed. Season 7 is among the worst in the entire TWDU. There's no way Alicia would have been able to take off her own arm like that, her first slice would have been her passing out and then dying to immediate blood loss. Instead we hear her screeching away behind the rock wall, no blood loss, we don't even see her arm laying there after the fact, yet we're supposed to believe she took the bones out of her arm and made her skeletal-metal arm replacement?
