MovieChat Forums > Fear the Walking Dead (2015) Discussion > Like trying to nurse a cup of coffee for...

Like trying to nurse a cup of coffee for an hour....Watching Grass Grow!

This show is a painful waste of time. are we literally going to watch these 2 ride out a storm for an hour? Good god what a waste of time.


No way man, the episode was really deep. With Alicia and Charlie....blah blah blah. I'm with you, it was pretty sucky.


Sad part is that the less actual storytelling they do the longer they can do it. They're greedy, they want to go 10-15 years with this.

Give me Breaking Bad which told it's story in 5 seasons. This show feels like it just started and they're already in their 4th season.


It was so cliche. We all knew Alicia would never kill her. She should have though. If a Carol can kill a girl, Alicia should be able to too.


Theres a big difference between Lizzy and Charlie though, Lizzy was a straight up psychopath who could not be trusted to be kept alive, Lizzy murdered her own sister and was gonna murder a baby, she was gonna murder everyone and let them turn to Walkers. Charlie didn't kill Nick cause she enjoyed killing, she shot him cause she was afraid and confused cause he had just brutally murdered the guy who was her friend and had been keeping her alive.

And you can tell Charlie regrets killing Nick and can barely live with herself after she done it. If you think that kid deserves to die and be shot dead thats pretty heartless, Alicia couldn't bring herself to do it cause she knows Charlie is just a kid and she regrets what she did.

If Charlie was like Lizzy and was just gleefully killing people to see them turn to Walkers i'd agree to have her killed, but shes clearly just a scared confused kid that made a horrible decision that she regrets.


Mr. B, I don't think it would be "right" for Alicia to kill Charlie, but it would certainly be an INTERESTING development.
I remember Morgan killing a teenage boy and I presume his father in the woods when he was still CLEARING the world. That wasn't right, but it was interesting. This is a messed up world. Messed up things should happen.


Yeah i get it would be interesting but the point of the episode was for Alicia to stop being angry and come back to her friends, had she killed Charlie she would have gone too far and likely not ever came back from this.

You can't have the lead of your show murder a child, you just can't do it cause i doubt anyone would sympathize or care about her after that.

Its not like messed up things haven't happened on the show, that family on the island in S2 where the kid took the suicide pills and turned into a walker and the whole family died, that was really messed up. And Travi's' son dying, Nick being killed by a child, June's kid dying and tunring and leading to the death of an entire community. I just think theres already alot of messed up stuff thats happened, it wasn't necessary to have Alicia kill Charlie.


"You can't have the lead of your show murder a child ..."
A child that contributed to the death of your mother, endangered the lives of all of your friends, destroyed your home (the only place you have felt safety and hope for a long time), and outright killed your brother?

I think it would totally be understandable for Alicia's character to kill Charlie.

"the point of the episode was for Alicia to stop being angry and come back to her friends"

The episode is about what happens. It could easily have been a revenge tale.

This show needs show characters doing (mentally/morally) difficult things or it will always be mediocre.


They want us to care about these characters but what do we really know about them. TWD took us 2 seasons before they started these isolated stand alone episodes. The 1st three seasons of FTWD got flushed down the toilet and we are getting a reboot with mostly new characters and 1 from the other show but right from go are going to these small isolated stories.


I'm so over it. I guess I'll keep grinding it out but I'm gonna bitch about it haha.


/I'm so over it. I guess I'll keep grinding it out but I'm gonna bitch about it haha./

I feel the same way, it's just hate watching by now and just holding on until it ends.


I still enjoy John but ohmygod last nights episode was piss-poor at best. Alicia AND Charlie, all episode long? Ughhh.


I don't get the hate, last nights episode was great, amazing acting and a really interesting predicament Alicia being trapped together with the person who is responsible for her mother and brother dying while a hurricane is going on outside. I mean i don't need a ton of zombie guts flying around every episode to enjoy the show.

I enjoy the isolated character development episodes, i know alot hated it but i also loved the Beth and Daryl episode in S4 of Walking Dead, i appreciate just good acting and character development.


you again.

alright bud. i know you've got a boner for Alicia but if I was her and the person responsible for my brother & mothers death was IN front of me and I had a gun to shoot her? Dude. Little miss Charlie would have dropped so fast to the floor that it might have caved in. I don't care about zombie guts either. I love story and incredible acting, amazing emotional scenes. Alicia has none.

I enjoyed the Beth/Daryl episode a lot. I hate to break it to you but Norman Reedus & Emily Kinney are WORLDS APART from Alicia and Charlie.


I don't know why you all even watch the show, seems you hate it with a passion why not go watch something you enjoy?

And i guess it tells me Alicia is a better person than you that she can get past it and choose to be a better person but you'd kill a scared little girl.

And let me just say this about Charlie, she was taken in by Mel and his crew and probably treated as if she was their kid, they fed her, took care of her. Mel probably manipulated her and made it seem it was the right thing to do to help them infiltrate the stadium, so she went along with it not knowing how it was gonna turn out, she truly believed they was good people as she told Alicia and them "No they wouldn't' do that" when they sent Mel away injured.

Then she sees Nick brutally murder Mel's brother, who most likely treated her like a sister and kept her fed. Now shes left with no one and probably thinks shes gonna be killed next by Nick, so she shot him. She didn't look happy about it either she looked scared and confused. But i guess some of you don't stop and see it from Charlie's point of view.


because i'm not a quitter. i want to see the show to the end. just like with TWD even though I'm over that as well.

When I watch a show, I like to put myself in the characters situation. I would never feel guilty about killing "a scared little girl" who S H O T my brother. People give children way too much leeway. She pulled the goddamn trigger even if she did look "scared." I didn't see that though.


Theres no shame in quitting a show you hate, theres plenty of shows i watched that was shitty so i stopped watching them, Big Bang Theory i watched that show for like 6 seasons but it got progressively worse so i stopped watching and don't even have the sightless inkling to tune back in to see it end at some point.

I dunno i just don't get tuning in and watching a show you hate so you can bitch about it. But if thats what you wanna do you have every right to, but i don't get it.


we are different people but that was clear to me awhile ago. besides i still enjoy a few characters on Fear & TWD.


Beth and Daryl worked because we followed those characters and grew to know something about them. We cared about them. Alicia and Charlie haven't earned it yet.


In my book, Charlie can't earn it. I didn't care for Nick that much but she point-blank shot him. I can't forgive or move past that. I can't welcome her with open arms. Alicia hasn't earned it in FOUR seasons? She won't.


Spot on. My theory is that when Darabont started The Walking Dead he was very good at making his characters appeal emotionally. But the Comic Book Nerds took offense and wanted it to conform to their world view, fired Darabont and it's been downhill ever since.


Makes sense. Sucks for him though! I wonder what ideas/plans he had.


Same here. This show may be a train wreck but it’s therapeutic too. I’ll watch it because no matter how bad my week has been, this will be worst point of it...and there’s value in that. I’ll watch it because it’s the only show on TV where hopelessness isn’t derived from the zombie apocalypse it depicts but rather the absence of everything that makes a good show. It’s a good place to park my disappointment because I’ll know it’ll be in good hands.


Never thought of it that way! Kudos to you for finding the words to say what I couldn't. :)


That was absolutely horrible. Thank goodness for PLEX skip, I literally skipped ahead 30 seconds every 1 second until the final scene, I felt like I missed nothing. These 'focus on one or two character' episodes TWD and FEAR started to do are stupid, and I will not give any more viewing to that bs.
