MovieChat Forums > Fear the Walking Dead (2015) Discussion > This season is starting to annoy me

This season is starting to annoy me

The time jumping every 30 seconds is getting irritating, i'd just like to watch one timeline and not have to jump back and forth throughout an entire episode trying to put a puzzle together. I'm starting to see why Frank Dillane said he read the script for this season and saw it was almost time to put this series to bed and end it.

And Morgan just feels useless like why is he there? He's just standing around in the background half the time holding his stick.

And the color filters are also getting on my nerves, the dull grey filter for the current timeline is so boring and makes every scene feel depressing and dull, then you go to the past timeline where it looks like it was filtered with piss yellow or something.


/And Morgan just feels useless like why is he there? He's just standing around in the background half the time holding his stick./

This exactly, what's the point of Morgan crossing over to Fear if he's not really doing anything but being just part of a new group?


It seems like they are going for a "I wanted to be alone, but then I met this dude who's lonelier and more messed up than I am..." kind of thing, especially with that ending.

It does seem like there has to be something bigger to him crossing over. It may have just been a ratings ploy, trying to snag Walking Dead viewers who still haven't given Fear a chance. I'd like to think that Morgan is the way that the two shows will eventually merge. Shit will hit the fan at an all-time level (for the Fear crew, which with Nick's death seems to be soon) and he'll say something like, "You all have shown me 'yada yada ya', and I realize I need to be back with my family. Come with me."


/I'd like to think that Morgan is the way that the two shows will eventually merge. /

this is my hope as well but seeing how they messed up with the start of Fear (The whole Apocalypse should have been shown in greater detail without the time jump) and just made it Walking Dead 2.0.


I feel like that is originally what they wanted, a WD 2.0, but I know there are some people who've never even tried Fear, and some who tried it at first, but didn't like it and stopped. And now that WD's quality has started to diminish, I think it's rushing their overall time table on merging the two and coming to an eventual endgame.


I wouldn't doubt they had planned to kill Morgan off on the WD anyways this past season, but decided instead on some grand crossover to hype both series.


Yes, I agree. I think they made him " an offer he couldn't refuse". He seemed to be blind-sighted by this. I don't think he knew what Gimple the Pimple had in store for him. Lennie James called the show "Fear of the Walking Dead" in an interview.😶


I'm guessing the muted colors of the present timeline helps differentiate it from the past timeline and since they switch between the two so often it helps prevent confusion as to what the hell's going on, which isn't a lot. Or it could be more like a representation of the core characters state of mind after whatever happened at the stadium. Either way, I guess if you're going to have Maggie Grace on your show you have to have shifting timelines as a plot device.

Does anyone else ever feel like they're building up to some big "Oh Damn!!" reveal only to have nothing happen and the whole thing fall flat? I just don't understand why they burn through so many story arcs as quickly as they do. But I'll keep watching. I've sat through 'Santa Clause and the Ice Cream Bunny'.....I can make it through this.

Also, for the record, I miss Mercedes Mason. She was an interesting character on the show and a great guest on Talking Dead.



I actually like this season, this show has it's own identity. At first i thought it was TWD 2.0 at first as well. But it has grown into it's own thing. Even during it's second and third season it was more engaging than TWD.
