Had So Much Hope For This Season
The first few episodes, especially the Daniel one, looked like the series had finally made the turn from a dull show with dull characters doing stupid things but it now appears to be circling the toilet headed back to where it came from. Once again, the Clark family has brought death and destruction to yet another refuge of people trying to survive the apocalypse. They just show up and start inserting themselves in situations they have no business in and soon enough the place is in total chaos. When Jake was complaining about Madison and Walker going on a water run Alycia had the nerve to say "Nick backed it. And I back it.'. All I was thinking at that point was 'WELL WHO THE F#@% ARE YOU!?!? What is it about these people that the writers want us to see as leaders?
From this moment on I will watch in hopes of seeing the entire family picked off one-by-one or better yet all killed in one fell swoop. Even Stroud is less interesting. Daniel is the clear direction to take the series in.