Land Dispute
I find the land dispute between the survivalists and the Native Americans to be the silliest story line in season 3. It is the end of the world. the only thing that matters is food, water, weapons and a defensible position.
I cannot believe that the Native Americans would care about their tribe's historical lands when hordes of undead are killing everyone. The colony doesn't seem especially defensible (no high walls, no high fences, no cliffs or gorges). So who cares!
Why would you risk your lives in a "war" with a well armed group when the world is basically a free for all. Go find yourself a mansion and a Ferrari!
It seems that the Native Americans are only interested in the land, and not any of the survivalists' supplies or shelters.
Also, if the colony can exist for so long with few defenses, and the Native Americans can survive with no defense, there must be groups of well armed, well trained government/military types who are doing just fine.
Can't an M1 Abrams tank basically just run over a thousand walkers per hour?