AGAIN, If you don't want it spoiled, don't read this. FINAL SPOILER WARNING:
Fear The Spoiling Dead Fans have confirmed that Chris, Oscar (The Groom), Andres (The Grooms Brother), Alejandro (The Pharmacist), and Brandon and Derek (the Bromigos that Chris was with) ALL DIE in the double finale!!!!!
i keep trying to give the show a chance but they really mess up big time. No way would the colonia location not be known. Wall of zombies are crap as well. In WD a few zombies almost took down a prison fence, attracted to the noise of the prison. yet in the colonia they don't react to a bunch of people living life, playing sports, cooking etc. Their fence should be destroyed by now. A pristine hotel and nobody goes there, gangs live in a warehouse when prime property like the hotel is available. Lighting up the hotel and all of a sudden refugees come out of nowhere, like it took lights to let everyone know that they were there. Driving a van with the hotel logo, everyone is in clean clothes and hair still shampoo clean, and men only have a week's beard growth, like they all have personal grooming available. actresses are more concerned about personal stories than survival, time to surf, and why kill the bro in the barn, just leave them, storyline there makes no sense. et etc etc
Well regarding the refugees showing up at the hotel, yeah it would take lighting the hotel to let them know people are there. How would they know otherwise? It's not like people are so loud, you can hear them throughout a whole city.