Ofelia is gonna become a

Sex Slave


Her storyline is going no where. Does anyone even care about the character?



For the sake of those guys, they better not go that route. If you've seen the movie Taken, Liam Neeson's character is one bad mutha. Now imagine if Daniel is still alive, which he may very well be.

Yeah, you're right, who am I kidding, not many really care about her character, who cares what happens to her.



This show and Walking Dead have never gone there, when they actually should because it would be more realistic. The closet they ever came was Carl almost got raped. Beyond that, it's like it doesn't exist in their world. I'm surprised Alicia hasn't been targeted yet. They really didn't even make it seem she was in danger on Jack's boat.

Also agree that Ofelia is such a non character, who cares what she's up to. Her story is totally stupid at this point.



lolwat Governor does rape Chinese guy's girlfriend


Actually, they've gone there a few times. Terminus people were repeatedly raped and tortured by the gang that destroyed their humanity. Grady Memorial had rapist cops. And it was strongly hinted that the Wolves raped that woman they tied to a tree to be gutted by zombies, judging by her lack of clothes. And yeah, there was also the Governor and Maggie, though that wasn't full-blown rape since he was just trying to scare info out of her and backed off when she told him to go f--k himself. Certainly assault, to be sure, but... you know, they didn't "go there".

A piece of the world is still missing.
