MovieChat Forums > Fear the Walking Dead (2015) Discussion > When was it ever established that The Wa...

When was it ever established that The Walking Dead was set 2010?

I keep hearing complaints that the technology such as iPhones and vehicles shown in LA before the outbreak were too advanced to for a 2010 setting.

My question is, when was it ever established that The Walking Dead was set 2010? We only got a few minute glimpse of the preapocalyptic Georgia before Rick got shot and went into coma and it was a countryside setting. Also, the new cars they were using during the prison era looked to be around 2014ish.


Episode 13 of FTWD confirmed that the outbreak started in 2010.


The year 2010 was on all the crosses that Travis and his son came across at the farm where the son shot the farmer.


Well The Walking Dead started in 2010 and was showing the present day from the start of it, so that's why Fear is set in 2010 because then it lines up with TWD.

LOL you sadists


The walking dead is 2010, so this show has to be the same...obviously. Plus as another 2 dudes mentioned... It was episode 13 that covered it and the graves of that mexican family says they snuffed it in 2010.


Okay I stand corrected.


No worries, dude. Be lucky :)
