North Or True North ?
North Or True North ?
01. Alejandro looses the bus corking up the zombie horde. I thought the bus was inoperable.
02. Chris dies a lonely death, betrayed by trusting the untrustworthy.
03. Maddie getting banished as a result of her own rule.
Edit : Maddie chooses to be banished, along with Aliciaa and Travis, as Alicia stabbed one to death and Travis beat two to death. Talk about being hoist with your own petard ! (Salute to poster Captain Bullish for pointing this out)
04. Travis beats the two killers of his son to death, inadvertantly taking down Doctor Oscar as well. Maddie finishes them off before they completely join the ranks of the infected.
05. Visuals -
A stunned Travis, oblivious to the glass shards hitting his face.
Lonely overhead shot of Chris on the road.
Maddie and Travis share a long hug. (In a ZA, hugs should be required.)
"...Give me your knife..." - Maddie.
Alicia stabs one of Travis' attackers.
Strand's expression as he witnesses yet another world toppling into the ocean.
06. Oscar gets impromptu surgery, followed up by a scalpel to the brain. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
07. The bandits win the Colony. And everything in it. heh heh heh.
08. Victor stays behind at the Horror Hotel. Did he forget that Crazy Mama stills lurks in one of its rooms ?
09. Nick turns to ice, helped along by an insult flung at him by Luciana.
"...Do what you do best, Nick. Run away..."
- He helps Alejandro via an injection with a crushed oxy tablet. This enabled him to make his last speech to the Colony and drive the bus that led to the bandits' undoing.
- So the Colony, led by Nick and Luciana, heads forth to the North. They are set upon by gunmen. Out of the fire, into the frying pan.
10. Exiled Travis, Maddie and Alicia go shopping and find everything has been bought, including the three family members who sought escape.
Off to the Colony where Alejandro is able to clue them in before he passes.
11. Walking Thirsty Ofelia is also given a hot welcome to America with gunfire. Good ? Evil ? Unknown.
(There is a "Negan's Wives" vibe here with Luciana and Ofelia. There. I said it.)
12. And the group is headed back to America in a twisted, looping fashion.
13. Unaccounted for -
SS Abigail
14. Summer's Almost Gone. Indeed...
Summer's Almost Gone (live 1967) by The Doors
bcc or bbc
HudsonDuster - For all their wars are merry
And all their songs are sad