For real. He's such a tiresome character. After being Mr. Morality and scruples he suddenly goes all animalistic when he hears his worthless son was killed and it was explained to him that they had to (inferring that he was too injured to survive). Travis has no mind at all; he constantly indulges in emotions. Just a big baby.
Soory for you that you can't understand a few things....He should not have a bit of feelings while he learned that his son was killed, and put down without any care? Should he have thank the guys instead ??
I wouldn't agree that Travis "has no mind at all" actually seems like he's restrained himself from committing violence quite a bit over the two seasons. However, the news that Chris had been "put down," almost like one would kill a dog, really came off as the last straw. It was solid character development.
The only thing about the scene that bothered me was how easily Travis managed to get the best of both young men the way he did. This kind of thing probably only happens on TV!
He was full of rage and they had just been thrown from a truck. The one with the dislocated arm could've easily re-dislocated it at the start of the fight and been useless. He had been at the hotel for at least one day and been able to eat and sleep something that hadn't been able to do. Chris only drove because they were exhausted. I thought they said Chris wrecked fairly quick but I could be wrong.
The whole point of this storyline (Chris leaving with the two guys etc) was to turn Travis into a killer. Everyone in this world has to become a killer to survive.
It was abysmal writing.
This weak show is trying to do in two seasons what the WD took five seasons establishng. According to this show, civilisation collapsed within minutes and everyone became a killer almost instantly.
In the WD, characters wrestled with this for a very long time. FTWD is skipping ahead. I get why they're doing it but it's rushed and poor.
This weak show is trying to do in two seasons what the WD took five seasons establishng
Exactly! It's only thirty days into the apocalypse, and we've already got Governors, Negans, Saviors. And now Travis has already become Season 3 Rick.
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No, Travis is on his way to becoming the Governor or Negan more than Rick. FWD is a show about how a group of survivors turns into villains (unlike Rick's group who, although they kill also have a sense of morality).
These characters were flawed (and in Madison's case likely psychotic) even before the apocalypse. It couldn't be anymore obvious.