Another White Angst Movie
Indian Orphan given every opportunity, surrounded by love and resources in a society that allows him to be free and succeed in every level thanks to his WHITE loving well-off family that gives him every opportunity. Now Indian orphan, due to being overloaded with money and understanding and love, has existential angst whereby he has to find his "roots" in India and talk dramatically about how absolutely beautiful his real, biological, Indian mom is while coming to loathe the white family that obsessively loved him. It's just ridiculous. It's never ending with this drivel. And yes, these movies are becoming more and more common. We get the message: being white and affluent is bad whereas living in squalor in a corrupt society that has a caste system and filth everywhere is beautiful. Imagine this same movie but it's about an Irish white boy who was adopted and then had to find his real family in Ireland. It would NEVER get made- even if the story was exactly the same. It's all about being brown I guess. Yawn