Kong's design/look

I was a fan of the Jackson 2005 design but am excited for the new Kong. That being said, I like the facial features and look of Kong on the teaser "awaken" poster, but not sure if that is what he is going to look like. In the trailer when Kong's head appears over the two men fighting, the face doesn't really look anything like the poster. The eyes look decidedly different and the distance from the brow to the nostrils is much further down. I hate to be a nitpicker but I think the design is the most important part of getting this Kong right---anyone see what I see--or care--or have any other insights?


It's hard to see anything of him at the moment. he seems to look like an upright walking Gorilla.

Walking on water is like finding a non fake female profile on a dating site...a miracle!


The ape design might look different just because of the lighting. Could also be they are still tweaking the design because the film is right now in post-production.

I do agree with you that Kong's design is most important. It needs to be photo-real enough to look believable but still stand apart from Jackson's Kong.


It seems like a gorilla you'd encounter in Nigeria. They've a smaller head compared to the ones in the Congo.

What's missing in movies is same as in society: a good sense of work ethic and living up to ideals.
