There are a few recommendable points about the 76 version. It definitely has more bad things going against it than good but here's what I like about it:
1. A severely hot and young Jessica Lange.
2. Great soundtrack.
3. Some beautiful Hawaiian scenery.
4. Excellent ape makeup fx by Rick Baker.
5. Kong sounded gnarly!
6. First major appearance of the World Trade Center in a movie (at least for me).
7. It's a genuinely sad version of the tale.
8. One of Jeff Bridge's early roles.
9. The only versions of Kong that we had up to that time were the awesome(but
rarely shown) 1933 original and the laughably lame Toho films in which Kong
looked terribly fake and cheesy. At least there was a diligent effort on
behalf of Rick Baker's crew and the sound team to make this Kong look and
sound as real as the budget would allow. The lore that I've heard indicates
that the creative teams' hands were tied by DeLaurentis' insistence that
Kong be bipedal all the time and also that the budget was cut, so that's
where you can see the cheesiness of some of the fx and lack of more fx.
10. I was 12 years old when this came out and I was super-stoked to see it.
It's stuck with me all these years despite it's flaws.
"The psychologists call him a psychopath. They don't know what else to call him."