Kong and his blondes...

So one of the tenets of King Kong canon is his doomed infatuation with a blonde female sacrifice. Re-watched the 76 version, and the native female that is shown during the rehearsal wedding is wearing a blonde-ish headdress, suggesting a blonde-haired woman. In the '33 version, the rehearsal native female isn't wearing a blonde headdress. 05 version, once again, no natives wearing blonde wig-type stuff.

Just wondering about the logic of the 76 classic version though that is a contradiction of terms. Still dig it :)

That never really occurred to me until lately. Any other blondes hit Skull Island' 76 before Dwan? This might suggest an opportunity for the new Kong film to tie all the previous flicks together in a cool way.

"The psychologists call him a psychopath. They don't know what else to call him."


KING KONG ESCAPES had him crushing over a blonde, but not KING KONG VS GODZILLA, when he carried around that Asian woman. I think his infatuation comes from how rare they are on Skull Island. A single shiny haired blond white woman certainly stands out on an island full of dark haired black women.



Exactly. But where did the '76 natives get the idea for a blonde sacrifice? When did they ever see a blonde before?

"The psychologists call him a psychopath. They don't know what else to call him."


Exactly. But where did the '76 natives get the idea for a blonde sacrifice? When did they ever see a blonde before?

The writers either never thought that through, or the blonde hairlike headdress was really just something they did for decoration, and Kong responded well to it, so they continued with that look. Could be Dwan's natural blond hair was new to them.



Naomi Watts is a gorgeous blonde :)

Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, and Metallica are Bronies


Fay Wray showed more boob than any of them :)

"The psychologists call him a psychopath. They don't know what else to call him."


Just a dumb goof by a rather dumb movie.

What's missing in movies is same as in society: a good sense of work ethic and living up to ideals.


i don't recall the 'rehearsal', but if it happens as you say, i don't approve.

The whole notion that the natives clamored towards Jessica Lang is because she was exotic to them. They (nor Kong) had never seen a blonde before.

If, instead, they HAD seen a blonde before, and they were trying to make Jessica Lang fill that slot, its a way less effective and interesting plot point.
