Kong and his blondes...
So one of the tenets of King Kong canon is his doomed infatuation with a blonde female sacrifice. Re-watched the 76 version, and the native female that is shown during the rehearsal wedding is wearing a blonde-ish headdress, suggesting a blonde-haired woman. In the '33 version, the rehearsal native female isn't wearing a blonde headdress. 05 version, once again, no natives wearing blonde wig-type stuff.
Just wondering about the logic of the 76 classic version though that is a contradiction of terms. Still dig it :)
That never really occurred to me until lately. Any other blondes hit Skull Island' 76 before Dwan? This might suggest an opportunity for the new Kong film to tie all the previous flicks together in a cool way.
"The psychologists call him a psychopath. They don't know what else to call him."