Unless the script is bad and the CGI awful, this just has to be good (well, I thought the same after seeing the Godzilla trailer, so there's that). But the look is simply perfect: Fury Road meets Apocalypse Now meets Godzilla. Can't wait.
Sure kid; unlike the grammar rules of the English language, it's actually pretty simple to explain. Now if you pay attention, even you may be able to grasp the concept: Cinematography is the science or art of motion-picture photography by recording light or other electromagnetic radiation, either electronically by means of an image sensor, or chemically by means of a light-sensitive material such as film stock.
Typically, a lens is used to repeatedly focus the light reflected or emitted from objects into real images on the light-sensitive surface inside a camera during a questioned exposure, creating multiple images. With an electronic image sensor, this produces an electrical charge at each pixel, which is electronically processed and stored in a video file for subsequent display or processing.
The result with photographic emulsion is a series of invisible latent images on the film stock, which are later chemically "developed" into a visible image. The images on the film stock are played back at a rapid speed and projected onto a screen, creating the illusion of a movie.
"The complication had a little complication."
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scene you posted is CGI scene and has nothing to do with cinematography. Cinematography is simply lighting and camera angle.
Aah, my dear FemdomBlueSky, I told you to pay attention. What I wrote in my post was not the description of a scene, it was the DEFINITION of cinematography as given by Wikipedia. I tried to help you, because in your previous post you seemed so desperate to know what cinematography was. But since I don't speak Neanderthal I obviously failed at that (that's my bad, and I do apologize). I might make another attempt to help you once you have achieved at least a rudimentary level of understanding of the English language.
"The complication had a little complication."
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Well, if youre only talking strictly CGI type movies looking good. But I saw the trailer for American Pastoral recently and that is one of the most epic trailers Ive seen in some time. Trailers can almost approach a work of art sometimes. I recall enjoying the original Sin City trailer very much back when it played in theaters, I happened to go see a few movies in theaters that year where the trailer played before it. Epic seeing and hearing it on the big screen each time. Better than the actual movie really :P
Thanks for the tip: the trailer for American Pastoral is indeed very good. Unfortunately, I won't be seeing that film. American Pastoral just happens to be my all time favorite book; I can't risk watching the film for fear it could alter the way I imagine the characters henceforth. But judging from the trailer, it looks like a very faithful adaptation and probably a very good film.
As for Sin City, I fail to see anything I like in that trailer, but I agree it's still better than the film. I have yet to see a film by Rodriguez that doesn't feel like a superficial exercise in style and completely devoid of substance (and I can't for the life of me understand why people keep comparing him to Tarantino, whose passion and profound knowledge of - and love for - film oozes out of every frame he's ever filmed).
Seeing the Sin City trailer back in 2005, it seemed very edgy and modern at the time. About as flashy as you could get then, I remember getting goosebumps from it. But seeing it now on youtube instead of the big screen, it just doesnt have the same effect. Partly because 11 years has gone by and it doesnt feel as exciting by todays standards, and partly because Ive heard that song by The Servant and listened to it countless times by now. But I can still remember the feeling of finding it very exciting when I saw it back then. All I knew was I had to go see that movie, so in that regard it worked ;)
But I can still remember the feeling of finding it very exciting when I saw it back then. All I knew was I had to go see that movie, so in that regard it worked ;)
Yep, same here. I was so excited for this film (and it mostly got great reviews too). And it was pretty big let-down for me. No tension at all and didn't touch me in the slightest on an emotional level.
"The complication had a little complication."
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Still the best looking trailer in 2016. If the film turns out half as good as the trailer looks, we'll be in for a watchable adventure movie. But if it actually turns out to live up to the trailer, this could be one of the best adventure/creature films ever.
Sadly, I had similar hopes after seeing the fantastic trailer for Gareth Edwards' 'Godzilla'. It then turned out that the film DID indeed look good, but it was just a passable movie in terms of everything apart from the excellent visuals.
It is a pretty awesome preview :) Like most fans, I'm torn between how much I want to see in a preview and how much I just want to be surprised by. 5 months is a long time to wait without seeing something substantive in a preview so I imagine there will be at least one wicked-cool reveal in the next one, even if just for a second. Then the preview during the Super Bowl will probably show a little more but hopefully not too much.