Very interesting

Kong is going to need a massive upgrade to square off against Godzilla who comes in at 250 feet in there upcoming movie. The mechanism on how he will be able to possibly compete has been leaked:


According to new movie details Skull Island (Kong's Home) is actually situated on the massive fossilized skull of the sea creature that Godzilla is descended from. So there is tangible connection between Kong and Godzilla. I can see somehow Kong getting an boost by blood of Godzilla that causes him to grow since they share origins somewhat.

Not too mention, Godzilla is the runt of his species.


What's missing in movies is same as in society: a good sense of work ethic and living up to ideals.


See, some of this sounds cool, but the thing with the skull seems a little odd. Exactly how big must that creature be for the whole island to be on its head? Or did i misread and the whole thing isn't on the head?

"Daddy is home-Cake every night, thus saith the Ford"
-Ford Brody


So what we may have here is that Martha is actually the mother of both of them! 

Truthfully, I am always dubious of leaks like these. Until proven by other sources, I put this in the "doubtful" column.


If that's true then it's just utterly stupid. in fact one of THE stupidest most ridiculous things i've ever heard.

Walking on water is like finding a non fake female profile on a dating site...a miracle!


As I do more research, it may be the whole body of the creature contorted in the shape of a skull from maps and overhead views, either way this is a Big Mofo.


As I do more research, it may be the whole body of the creature contorted in the shape of a skull from maps and overhead views, either way this is a Big Mofo.

Even that would be ridiculous. i hope i'm right and that it's just an island that resembles a skull. That's what it looks like to me anyway.

Walking on water is like finding a non fake female profile on a dating site...a miracle!
