MovieChat Forums > Kong: Skull Island (2017) Discussion > Did anyone notice the interior hull of t...

Did anyone notice the interior hull of the freighter?

If you look closely, the large interior of where the natives are doesn't look they could of made it since it appears to be metallic with bolts. And then I realized it is really the interior of some kind of ship. In an interview, Goodman mentions the area of Skull Island is like the Bermuda triangle where countless ships and planes disappear. So this could be one of many ships that got shipwreck on the island and the natives turned into some sort of shrine.


Yeah, I noticed that, too. It would also seem that John C. Reilly's character has been stranded on the island since the Second World War. Furthermore, a WWII-era Japanese pilot is shown in the final shot of the trailer.


That would make sense why we didn't see him in the trailer because he is not part of the current expedition. As for that final shot, are you talking about that scene where the two soldiers are trying to kill each other with a knife and Kong's face is shown?


I thought it was a ship too, though I did not pick up on it right away. Took a few viewings before I realized what I was looking at.

Oh, that would be most interesting, people from missing ships having survived on the island, despite the giant creatures roaming there!


Yeah, the shot of the two men fighting when Kong's head rises up. The character with the knife is wearing a Japanese pilot's uniform circa WWII. I'm assuming that it's a flashback scene, and that man is trying to kill John C. Reilly's character.


There is a spot in the Pacific Ocean called the Dragon's Triangle and it has that same air of mystique and dread.

What's missing in movies is same as in society: a good sense of work ethic and living up to ideals.
