If you stop at 1:35 which is the shot that shows the fleet of choppers approaching the massive silhouette of Kong's legs, you can see the the burning helicopter with the palm tree still lodged inside it. This probable indicates that shot will be the big reveal of Kong in the beginning of the film.
Just thinking...I don't think that will be at the beginning. Clever editing of a trailer could mean that goodmans character could be lowering his camera in awe at a completely different scene.
It just feels wrong to me to have that towards the beginning
I am pretty sure that scene is not from the beginning, like TheDude said, editing... I think they will land on the island first, establish field headquarters, then something will happen, they'll start to question their decision to go further down the island, but they'll decided to go on with the mission in a hurry, and then palm tree will hit them, I think shot of Kong's legs is indeed his first appearance, I mean we had Godzilla airport introduction in trailers... But I don't believe he will show up before at least half an hour into the movie.