The biggest Kong ever!!!

“This is going to be the biggest Kong there's ever been," director Jordon Vogt-Roberts has promised. "Not 10-foot or 30-foot, but a 100-foot ape."

I'm still hopeful and was even intrigued by the choice for a director... but when THAT is how we decide to sell this movie then I'm fairly put off.

Just starts to sound like the only reason we're making this movie is to try and capitalize on an already established brand... and the idea for why people should watch this one was simply, "we'll make it even bigger!" Blah.

Maybe it'll be so bad that it's good and I can just pretend I'm watching godzilla though... so at least there's that?


But Godzilla was crap, bit of a mess really. And the only reason they have made kong this size is so he can compete with Godzilla in the upcoming show down.

Myself, I'm looking forward to this version. Esp if they create a score and soundtrack to what we've heard in the trailer. Kong himself looks like a cross between the original kong and the 70's one. That's what's really grabbed my attention. Personally thought Kong '05 just wasn't monster enough, too humanised and true gorilla like.


And the only reason they have made kong this size is so he can compete with Godzilla in the upcoming show down.

Sounds about right. Really not selling me on this though...


...Just go see the movie and figure it out for yourself.

What's missing in movies is same as in society: a good sense of work ethic and living up to ideals.


So... if it's starting to sound bad and I decide I probably won't like it... and the reviews end up being bad and my friends are telling me it wasn't good... I'm just supposed to spend my hard-earned money on the movie? Maybe you're made of money and have tons of free time to see the insane numbers of movies that are released, but that's not me.


Actually, Vogt-Roberts later corrected himself and admitted that Kong 1962 was the biggest ever.

And always judge a movie for yourself, not what others think about it unless of course, you already have a predisposition based on all of your unsubstantiated concerns. If you want to worry about something, it should not be Kong's size, but rather the narrative. Will it be a good plot? Will everything work storywise? If everything clicks, belive me, Kong's size will not matter one iota.


If you want to worry about something, it should not be Kong's size, but rather the narrative. Will it be a good plot? Will everything work storywise? If everything clicks, belive me, Kong's size will not matter one iota.

That's exactly it though... I want a movie to be good and if creative is trying to tell me I need to watch their movie because it's "bigger" then that's actually a turn off.

And always judge a movie for yourself, not what others think about it...

And I hate those statements because they just don't work. Yes, if I've already seen the movie then I should try and have my own opinion and not care that it agrees with what I think is "the accepted opinion." But... that only holds true after I've decided to watch a movie! First, you have to have some criteria for deciding whether your investment in time is likely to be worth it... because there are too many movies to watch, to simply decide to watch them all. And going to the movie theaters definitely cost enough that I'm not just going to watch them all.

At that point, you "play the odds" and decide whether it's more likely than not that you'll like a particular movie and/or whether you'll like one movie more than another. All possible information you can gather to make an educated guess at that point is useful... and that includes things like critical reviews.

And I love interviews with directors where I get to try and get a peek into what they're thinking about a movie... and, sorry, one of the only things I've read is this:

The director seems overly-impressed with how big they made Kong and offers nothing else. I just thought it was pretty off-putting was all.

Yay! You made Kong really big... but why's your movie any good again, ya know?


You're thinking waaaaayyyyyyy too much about this. You're taking the fun out of movies by analysing if you really wanna see it or not.

My suggestion...don't go see it! Done!!


It's still a couple of months before the movie opens. Maybe Kong's size is the only thing they can talk about at this stage? Their marketing campaign's just getting started, and then there's always that fine line between generating interest for your movie and possibly spoiling important plot points or surprises.


That's what torrent sites are for. And trust me, soon enough, most studios will make their movies available for On Demand viewing at home, so going to a theater and dealing with all that need not be an option.I'll happily pay full-ticket theater price to watch a movie in my own home, even one intended for the big screen like Kong: Skull Island. Just fire up the 60" Samsung and soundbar, dim the lights, and get after it :)

"Can I use her underwear to make soup?"


One question actually....did u like Godzilla?


I remember reading, that quote, where he said, he would be 100ft, he kinda seems bigger to me than that from the trailer but I guess, its the art of the framing and the angle
