Just for the posters?

Do u think the count down and hype was just for the posters?! Surely not with all the new wee bits of footage they released?


The posters are amazing though. I wouldn't be disappointed. The less we see the more mystery there is behind the movie.


Oh don't get me wrong, love the posters but thought it was an overlong campaign for two posters if u know what I mean.

Never know though, a new trailer might appear today. I'm actually buzzed to hear more of the score for the movie cause I'm loving it so far!


The campaign has beeb great and I understand what you mean. I heard its airing at 9pm Pacific time if we do get one. A thread on here was saying that. Im in Chicago so I have to wait until 11pm :/


Ooft well I'm in Scotland so I'll likely get it when I wake up tomorrow aha!


trailer announced to be coming out tonight at 12 AM EST

she fell through a hole, and was never seen again


It would be real bullcrap if countdown was for posters,
one looks like something from deviant art, while other,
well it looks too, just even more generic. One we got months ago is best.

I don't like my movies spoiled, but I am too much hyped for this
so I will watch anything.


Dude, usually the posters are released before or even along with a new trailer, so don't trust the countdown, just wait. I'm pretty sure we'll se new footage before the day ends.


Idk how it works...
What time is it in place you live ?


17:30 PM


It is like 21:45, here.
