Full disclosure: I didn't really like Pacific Rim. After the 75th punch between behemoths in the ocean, I was getting bored. Reminded me of the boring parts of the Transformers series.
Does Kong: Skull Island devolve into non-stop punch fests, to the point you actually start getting bored from the monotonous action? Peter Jackson's fight scenes in the King Kong 2005 were at least well-choreographed. That type of action I don't mind. It's like the director put extra thought into making the action and fighting stand out.
That does seem to be the consensus. I haven't really heard anyone say this is the greatest thing. At the most, it seems many feel like Kong Skull Island was "good fun...kinda okay movie overall". And from what I've been reading, it seems the two main leads (who could've made the movie much better) were underutilized.
Spot on. Imo Tom Hiddleston seem to phone in his performance, which is a shame as his character holds much potential and could have been really interesting. Brie is fine, I think. It is just her character which is not really used.
Sam Jackson and John C Reilly do good imo with their characters, although many seem to be tired of Sam. Me too a bit, but he performed well on his character here.
Bottomline; if you like King Kong and Pacific Rim type fantastic movies, go see it. Just do not expect a masterpiece. Expect a Huge Kong and some fantastic settings.
I watched about 15 minutes of Pacific Rim but it was too boring to watch. I really liked Kong Skull Island. Good mix of fighting, characters, even humor. Can't beat the scenery, too.
Easiest way for me to reply is say I watched Pacific Rim twice with no problem, and I'm having trouble getting through Kong: Skull Island even once. It's just so poorly done. Think about it: Huey pilots that survived the hell of Vietnam haven't the brains to avoid a 125' gorilla? They just sit and watch as stuff comes towards them without taking evasive maneuvers? They don't fly high above him and drop the seismic charges on his coconut? Why is the Chinese girl in it at all? This was during the height of the Cultural Revolution in China, and they would NEVER send a scientist to the US for education. (And her accent is too thick for her to be born here.)
As to the monkey: taking rounds from a 20mm Vulcan electric cannon didn't turn him to mist? Those things carry explosive tips. He can be big and mean and all, but physics are physics.
Oh, and one last thing (because I can't be bothered with the other 5,000 things wrong in the first hour of this movie) When you bury a soldier and leave his weapon in the ground marking his grave, you NEVER leave the magazine in it: bad guys can be following behind, and you just provided them with a fully-loaded weapon, not to mention that you carelessly threw away ammunition, which you'll most probably need.
There's suspending disbelief, then there's having Kong stomp all over it because the scriptwriters were too lazy. This one definitely falls in the the latter category.
Maybe, however, they're all valid. One or two by themself and it's no big deal. Add them up - along with hundreds more than I didn't mention - and it takes you out of the movie completely.
You want nitpicky? John C Reilly's character was a WWII pilot- the 1911 .45 pistol he had was actually a Colt Model 80, which wasn't even made until decades later.
THAT'S "nitpicky." Stupid leaps of logic like a gorilla that doesn't explode when you hit him with doesn't of cannon shells is just ridiculous.
Kong is a 8/10 movie that does a good job of a Nam-era monster flick.
Pacific Rim is pure Kaiju food for fans of giant monster fights. It is well polished but a terminally stupid movie. 2/10 for it as a movie and 9/10 for the Godzilla-junkie fix it gives.