It Was Enjoyable

I'm not usually a fan of the big budget, blow-em-up movies, but this one looked interesting from the trailers, and I usually enjoy Sam Jackson and John Goodman.

Turns out it was pretty good. The usual folks will enjoy the blow-em-ups (there are a lot), the ape is spectacularly done, the make-up will probably win an award or two, and the sets, costumes and music (it's set in 1973) are all top-notch.

The real star is of course, Kong, but John C Reilly almost steals the movie and is the only well-rounded character. He is also very funny.

The pacing is good and the photography is spectacular. Almost wish I'd seen it in 3-D, as it's obviously shot to exploit that.

Tom Hiddleston does nothing in the movie. Brie Larsen's character is ridiculous. Jackson plays a great crazy.

There is a good after-credits scene that everybody but me missed at the showing I was in.


I enjoyed it also. I agree with your comment on Huddleston but why the remark on Larson. I thought she was fine. And besides the point she's hot


I'm a photographer, so I notice when movies show photographers doing stupid things. Larson is hot, but her character was supposed to be an ace war photographer, and most of her pictures were posed, not candid, and there were many times she was shown amazing things, or amazing things were happening, and she stood there watching, instead of taking pictures. A war photographer wouldn't react that way.

Also, sometimes she was taking pictures in conditions that, given the film she was using in 1973, wouldn't have resulted in anything, which a seasoned photographer would know, and wouldn't attempt.


This is an absolutely terrible reason to judge an actor for her work in a film. She didn't write the damned thing. Blame the director, the writers, any kind of photography continuity person they may have hired (if any).

But judge Brie Larson on her acting job. It was very well done.

The general audience isn't going to know what kind of moves a 1970s-era war photographer should be making.


I never mentioned her performance, or acting ability. I said her character was ridiculous. That's the way it was written. Her performance was adequate, but like Hiddleston, she was underutilised.


She should have been bullwhipped for being so stupid.


I am also a photographer and I thought the same thing about her not using the camera enough. The long-exposure shot I found to be questionable especially since she was shooting in black and white.


I thought I saw her loading Ektachrome at one point.


Didn't catch that! Now that you mention it I recall the scene.


I agree John C stole the show.


I liked it a lot, too. The beginning was somewhat forgettable, but the film improved afterwards during the second and third act. The 3D was good as well.


I was entertained. I went in expecting an explosive blockbuster and that's exactly what I got. The music was fun and the visuals were great (worth seeing in 3D) but too much time was spent on the wrong characters. Hiddleson and Larson were underutilized and GOODMAN, ugh. Also, the only other big criticism would be how Kong didn't have as much character in this as past movies. There wasn't much of a connection between he and Larson and then the movie just ended.


I thought it was a better film than the 2005 version. None of the crappy romancing the Kong bit, even if that bit is actually closer to the original.

Minor spoiler -

In fact, I wish the whole 'it saves the woman' bit was removed as well. Especially given how he rips the lizard's tongue out using the same hand he's holding the woman in and yet she doesn't get crushed.
