It Was Enjoyable
I'm not usually a fan of the big budget, blow-em-up movies, but this one looked interesting from the trailers, and I usually enjoy Sam Jackson and John Goodman.
Turns out it was pretty good. The usual folks will enjoy the blow-em-ups (there are a lot), the ape is spectacularly done, the make-up will probably win an award or two, and the sets, costumes and music (it's set in 1973) are all top-notch.
The real star is of course, Kong, but John C Reilly almost steals the movie and is the only well-rounded character. He is also very funny.
The pacing is good and the photography is spectacular. Almost wish I'd seen it in 3-D, as it's obviously shot to exploit that.
Tom Hiddleston does nothing in the movie. Brie Larsen's character is ridiculous. Jackson plays a great crazy.
There is a good after-credits scene that everybody but me missed at the showing I was in.