Good cast wasted
I have never read any of Lansdales work, so i went into this blindly. They managed to assemble a great cast and Omar (can never remember his name) is always fun to watch.
I like a good crime story anyday, but this one is a bit dumb. Hippies was replaced by yuppies early 80s,so either texas is just a backwater place, where time stand still, or it is an attempt at comedic relief, which doesn't work. Add to that, Hap seems retarded, and extremely gullible, you could see the double cross coming a mile away. The whole gay angle, does nothing for the story, and serves no purpose, and leonard seems to be the smart one, but he also failed to see the double cross coming.
Since Lansdale is considered a bestseller author, and is a consultant or executive producer on the show, either he sucks, or the consulting credit is merely for show, and the script writers don't care about his input. Either way, you have a mediocre story, dumbed down, with a great cast.
Just see episode 5,trudy manages to pull a 10cm nail in her hand out of a wooden table without any tools or as much as a wimper, extremely sloppy writing. Leonard sick the dog on the psycho, knocks the lanky brit out, and decide running is best option, instead of just taking the gun, and shoot those 2 a-holes, sloppy writing.
And sorry to mrs. Hendricks, her ample bosom is too much of a distraction, and the camera makes sure we see them every opportunity we get.
I am going to actually read some of the hap & leonard books, and leave s2 alone.