I quote your comments because you like to edit your responses soon after your stupidity is exposed.
- What do you mean "how so"? Weren't you paying attention? The movie is clearly not racist.
You stated you were right. And I asked, how so? How is that difficult to understand? Oh, I get it. Since you're a troll, you think you can just say "I'm right" without issuing any reasoning behind your position at all.
- Is arrogant to ask if you knew that the movie came out? It was a pertinent question since your comment indicates that you haven't seen it or even know what is about.
Yes, it is arrogant and condescending. And the more pertinent question is, have
you seen the movie? Because you have yet to state anything regarding it except arguing against original points while you have none.
- Once you resort to unwarranted insults, specially on a first post, you are no longer entitled to be treated with civility. Besides, calling you an idiot is more a statement of fact than an actual insult for its own sake.
You deserved that insult. In fact, I'd go so far to say that you deserve a physical beating.