MovieChat Forums > Unfriended (2015) Discussion > Where they on a dial up connection?

Where they on a dial up connection?

I liked the movie. It had an original concept and wasn't a terrible remake of an 80' s horror movie. The characters were good enough actors. If you can get past the "why are they so stupid?" mindset, you can actually enjoy it enough to kill 90 or so.

My only complaint was the use of technology. Normally that is not a big deal, however, when the whole story is based around it ... at least try to make it realistic.

You are all using video chat, yet it takes 20 seconds to download a JPEG? The did show a lot of buffering and screen freezes. Maybe the bandwidth was meant to be the culprit. If that is the case then let's give it pass for the effort.

All in all not too bad of a horror or more realistically a thriller. My guess is #2 is on the way.




They were using all the bandwidth to torrent bro!


I watched the last 20 minutes of the movie. (I was bored while exercising and flipping channels...) Aside from the stupidity of the whole thing, I kept thinking "Why is the connection so horrible?" Is it that Fresno is central valley CA and somehow seen by other areas of the country as "hick" and, therefore, lacking in technology options? I don't live anywhere near Fresno (though we are in CA) and know that the notion is ridiculous (and wrong). Still, it was the only reason I could think of to explain it. Well, that and to make the whole thing more suspenseful.


This movie was done by Comcast owned studio. They are just displaying the realistic performance of Comcast.


In real life it's used by the film makers to hide the cuts between the takes.


they were on iOS, clearly they are tech illiterate and are incapable of using technology like a human being.
