MovieChat Forums > Elvis (2022) Discussion > terrible casting for elvis

terrible casting for elvis

elvis was super cool. you can see it oozing out of him in everything he did. they cast someone who is almost feminine to play him. wtf? look at how narrow this guy's shoulders are. he's almost a woman sometimes. how is he gonna play elvis?


He did a pretty good job honestly. He may not have been a dead ringer for Elvis. But sometimes you don’t actually need a look-alike to play a person I feel it’s more important to capture their essence and I think he did a pretty damn good job at it


Exactly this. I thought he did a wonderful job. As long as he has specific features that exude the character; it's fine. for example the lips. I think he had great energy and sounded good. I honestly don't understand the people who are saying he was horrible. I bought he was Elvis the entire film.


Who else could have played him in this day and age? Nobody comes to mind. Perhaps they could CGI Elvis's face onto Austin Butler.


I thought that Austin Butler’s performance was AMAZING!!! If you haven’t watched it, maybe you should and then make up your mind 🙂


hes no Kurt Russel


You're right, he was better tham Kurt Russell!


I would love Jacob Tremblay as the king!


i wasn't impressed by the trailers.. but imma give it a try


Nobody did it better than this guy. Too bad he retired from acting.


Wow... He looks like half Elvis half Oscar Isaac.


He is too old. Older than when Elvis died.


They do wonders now with CGI de-aging. They got Robert Downey Jr damn near perfect in Civil War.


I don't agree. RDJ looked too smooth like Mark Zuckerberg in that movie.


Well of course he looked smooth he's supposed to be like 21 there lol.


Too smooth.


Right lol. But if you never knew Robert Downey Jr period and never seen him before other than that one scene you would never think there was anything wrong with it. Because there wasn't. He looked like 21 year old Robert Downey Jr. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


Hey, it's just like... my opinion, man.


lol sometimes opinions don't make sense.
Like the people who say that only RDJ could play Iron Man, and no on else.

It's like dude, get out of your own perspective for a moment lol.


Have you seen The Irishman? They de-aged a lot of the actors there yet you can tell by their body movements they were old. You can't cgi an aging body. Also no offense to that guy, but it takes more than a look alike to pull off a character. They had the same issue in 1979, they had a look alike who could sing like Elvis but was a terrible actor, they went with Kurt Russell instead. I'm glad they went with Austin Butler who gave an oscar winning performance instead of some aging look alike who can't act.


Austin Butler was top-notch in the movie.


Well he pulled it off well enough to have his own weekly series playing Elvis and played him in 2 movies and an episode of Quantum Leap lol. 😂😂😂😂


Yeah good enough for tv that was cancelled, but not for a major motion picture in 2022. I've never seen it, not available anywhere online.




I thought he was pretty decent as Elvis


I thought he did a great job and for Priscilla to say that he got Elvis to a T just reinforces this.
