MovieChat Forums > The Young Pope (2017) Discussion > Does any one else hate this show?

Does any one else hate this show?

It's not often a program jumps the shark from the get-go, especially the expensive, cable ones.

The premise is inscrutable, the script tells us nothing about the characters motivation, the acting is wooden. Is Lenny crazy? Is he playing the long con? Is he yanking our chain? Impossible to know, as his character changes his mood like he doesn't change wardrobes. Even the opening credits, when Lenny smiles and winks at the camera contradicts his actual actions in the program, so far at least.

I'll grant you, the cinematography is gorgeous, but so was it in Heaven's Gate. But then, Heaven's gate made more sense than this program. A rambling collection of great shots does not a mini-series make.

Oh I'll keep watching. But it will be a struggle not the throw my remote at the screen.


It is difficult to watch. It reminds me of someone in the Oval Office. . .mentally deranged egoist, in a position of power who is losing control. Just sayin'.


I just finished watching this series on DVD, and I really had to force myself to watch it to the end hoping that Lenny would redeem himself from the psychopath pope that he was. It made me think. . .what century was this pope from? The middle ages? I left the Catholic Church when I was a teen because it didn't make any sense to me, in fact most religions make me wonder why people need it to begin with.

Lenny was truly a disaster, and why did people put up with him???? A despicable bully, homophobic, sexist, egotistical a-hole who represented the worst of Catholicism. I was hoping he died at the end, maybe he did, or maybe he just collapsed. A complete waste of time. However I have to say Jude Law played the role very well. He probably had a lot of fun with it... . ..
