Don’t Fuck in the Woods 2

An amazing improvement over the first one. Instead of just dishing up more of the SOS, it’s like they sat down and asked themselves, “How can we take this to the next level?” This is impressive because the majority of DTV sex/horror movies are perfectly content to wallow at the same level. Here we have 4 collegiate couples on vacation in the woods, but at a camping resort and not in pup tents. The maintenance man for the resort has done prison time for a nonviolent crime and is a good man. One of the campers has a nursing degree with a specialty in parasitology. Do you see where we are headed here?

One priceless scene: the hot guy, who’s plowing the hot girl who loves to tease, is hit on by the chubby girl in the camping party. He politely tries to refuse her. Predictably, she strips. He holds her off and says, “Look, we’re not in the same leagues,” but he says it as kindly as possible, rejecting her while also taking care of himself. She barks, “Okay. Go enjoy your cum-guzzling gutter slut.” I have NEVER seen a teen sex/horror film with a scene that raw and honest. Have you? That took balls on EVERERONE’S part.


R_Kane, there ain't anyone willing to fuck you unless it's the government.
