Touch the number 7

Watching a rerun and the next to last puzzle said "Touch the number 7". I would have touched the number 7 in that instruction line itself. That seemed to be in line with the logic I've seen in some previous puzzles. However, they had several numbers in the puzzle below, and said a 7 was formed in the negative space between some of those numbers. I think my answer was better. They seem to be uneven in some of their solutions.


Supposedly the answer is never in the question. As far as I remember that was true


They must have changed it recently, because often times the answer IS in the question!

One that comes to mind is "What is the first letter in 'The Bible' "? and the answers were something like Jesus, God, Adam, and Once.

But the correct answer was "T" because "The Bible" starts with T and it was in a different font!!!

So I think that they are changing it to make it more challenging!
