I'm not a doctor, but I think if you block a swung pool cue with...
...your forearm, you'll end up with a broken forearm.
"The psychologists call him a psychopath. They don't know what else to call him."
...your forearm, you'll end up with a broken forearm.
"The psychologists call him a psychopath. They don't know what else to call him."
Pool cues aren't very strong. Plus he hit him with the skinny end. You can grab the end of one and snap it like a twig.
What we got here is... failure to communicate! share
Depends on how it hits you. If it gets you up by the wrist, where there is very little muscle and the bone is thinner, then it probably would break your forearm. If it gets you down by the elbow, where there is a good amount of soft tissue and the bone is much thicker, then you would probably be OK. It also depends on the angle it hits you at. If it lands at a 90 degree angle and your forearm takes the full blow, it's going to do a lot more damage than if you can reduce the angle and divert the force away from your arm.