Ed's Whiteboard Posting and More Season 2 Spoilers
Ed Burns posted on all his social media pages yesterday a pic of the writer's room whiteboard showing some of the season 2 plots for the characters. Seen on the board were stories coming for the Muldoons, Charlie Bullman, Shea, Duffy, Luticci and Bernadette, Richie Kane, and Capt. Johansson. The other characters were listed, but the pic cut off so we couldn't see what's written besides them. Sounds like some interesting things are coming with some surprises I didn't expect (especially if I'm reading what's right about Terry).
Also, I don't think Ed would've posted this if he wasn't already told about a season 2 renewal. He's already getting congrats on the pick up and this pic actually looks too from when the writers and producers of a TV show actually meet before filming starts (as the "Once Upon a Time" writers and others usually do a month or two before the cast films). So it is officially in pre-production and Ed's already written the scripts.