My main issue with these sort of period things is that they're always striving for accuracy on what people wore, ate, drove, watched and listened to etc but it's like they forget that people drove OLD cars or usually wore their old suits to work etc.
I remember when I started work in the late 80s, it was hilarious. You'd expect (looking back) that everyone in the 80s was wearing really 80s clothes but they weren't. They were wearing in some instances, the same 1960s and 1970s suits and clothes they've been wearing forever! Or their wedding suits from 10 years before etc. Or in some cases, some were stuck in some weird 1950s warp where they had the same horn-rimmed glasses and ill fitting suits with a big greasy quiff.
You'd also expect most cops not to be wearing the latest fashion, although if they were on the take they take the time to spend a bit more on clothes but...