Comparisons to Suite Life

I've seen some people this is like Nick's Suite Life. What comparisons can you see between the shows?

I've found these so far

Dicky is said to be a "ladies man" ( like Zack)

Ricky is a straight A student/ nerd ( like Cody )

Tom acts almost no different than Arwin

There's going to be a teenage babysitter that could end up becoming the "Maddie" of the show

Last episode, they all crawled in the air vent which Suite Life did a lot.


It is similar, but Maddie and London made the show.

"Weird is just a side effect of being awesome."


Yep, I immediately thought of Ricky as Cody and Dicky as Zack.

I ate a pear. I ate three pears. - Lizzie Borden



Suite Life? Nah, it's Jessie and Good Luck Charlie mixed together. I mean, in Nicky, Ricky, Dicky & Dawn the characters can be compared to the characters in Jessie.

*Josie is Jessie. Josie is shown to care about the Harper kids about as much as Jessie cares about the Ross kids. Their names are even very similar.
*Dawn is Emma. I mean, they're both big sisters and the oldest in their families, both display a bit of sass into most things, and both are unique in their families, I mean Dawn is the only female child in the Harper family, and Emma is the only biological child in the Ross family.
*Dicky is Luke. They are both your typical pint-sized ladies' man, and neither of them do very well in school at all. The only difference between Dicky and Luke is that Dicky's character behaves like he has an IQ of 70, and if you watch Jessie like I do, you will know that even Luke's IQ is not that low.
*Ricky is Ravi, except for the fact that Ravi was adopted from India while Ricky has lived in America for his entire life. I mean, both are very studious and smart, and goody-two shoes characters but that doesn't stop either of them from getting into trouble along with their siblings. There was even an episode ("Abraquadabra") where Ricky does magic tricks, and there was an episode of Jessie ("The Princess and the Pea Brain") in which Ravi does magic tricks. Also, both tend to freak out a lot like in "Pilot" and "M.D. Day." I can already hear young Ravi going "WILLYNILLY! WILLYNILLY!" with that Indian accent of his (not to be racist) and yelling "I'M PREGNANT" and "I'M FOAMING IN THE MOUTH!" in that accent as well.
*Nicky, I suppose you could say, is a white male version of Zuri. I mean, both are rather sassy and get into trouble along with their siblings.
*The dad is Bertram, except he cares very much for his kids, whereas Bertram not so much. I say this because he's about as childish and immature, and in "Dawn Moves Out," he even plays with trains like a child much like Bertram does in "Austin & Jessie & Ally: All Star New Year."
*Mr. Squishy Paws is Mrs. Kipling. They are the family pet that is hardly significant the story of either show, but they are still used nonetheless. They're names are even both titles used before a surname and their "surnames" are names that sound like their species.
*Also, there was an episode called "Poo Dunnit" which was very similar to the "Glue Dunnit" episode of Jessie.

It also has Good Luck Charlie's lifestyle. I mean, in "The Quadfather," we find out that Nicky, Ricky, Dicky & Dawn takes place in Colorado, and the city of Denver, Colorado, is where Good Luck Charlie took place.

So yeah, it's almost as if when the two crossed over on 11/29/13 they were like "Hey, let's mate," and 9 MONTHS, 2 weeks and 1 day later out comes Nicky, Ricky, Dicky & Dawn on Nick which is Jessie's characters mixed in with Good Luck Charlie's modern lifestyle.

