MovieChat Forums > Black Jesus (2014) Discussion > Ironically, this show so far makes Jesus...

Ironically, this show so far makes Jesus and Christianity look cool.

Black Jesus comes off as a genuine, sincere and relate-able guy, and his followers as faithful and willing to follow him in order to do the right thing (the community garden they are building). He imparts lessons from the Gospel to them, like not being vain or coveting things.

Yes there are lots of use of profanities in the dialogue and the n-word, and it's a comedy, but I just don't get the impression that Aaron Magruder is mocking the basic idea of Jesus himself or Christianity either. So far, the series plays almost like it's an edgy, hip Bible school film.


Like I said in another thread, the show more or less makes Jesus into a goofball for yucks. You can dash in some lessons here and there, but that's the core essence of the show, thus is mocking both Jesus and Christianity.

"If the king does not lead, how can he expect his subordinates to follow?" - Code Geass


i def don't agree with you on that. if anything they're humanizing him. making him seem like another regular guy. i def don't find him to be portrayed as a goofball at all. there are goofball characters but i don't think he's a goofball but he can be goofy sometimes too. just like a normal person. i think jesus was portrayed pretty accurately as what he would be like if he was living in compton during modern times. he still speaks the gospel. he just says them while peppering in swears and smoking weed. the reason i think this show is so genius is because of how accurately they portray jesus. if he were on earth here with us he wouldn't be in church with the goody goodies. he'd be out in the streets with the people who need him the most. i don't think you should claim you understand the core essence of the show when you obviously do not.


On initial viewing, I couldn't get into the first episode. But after I saw the second and then re-watched it later, I started to see it for more than the farce it seems like on the surface. I'm actually looking forward to seeing how the full season plays out. Slink Johnson's portrayal of Jesus is growing on me and it's always great to see Charlie Murphy and John Witherspoon. I've rated it a solid 7 and hope by the end I can give it a higher vote.


OP makea a good point. In some ways the show is saying you don't have to thump a Bible or wear a 3 piece suit on Sunday to partake in the principles of Christianity... or in particular, show compassion.

Great example is the scene where Witherspoon is passed out in his underwear in the apt -
Black Jesus intervenes to keep him from catching a beat down, then carried him down that stairs, then said I really love you...that really was a tender, touching, compassionate scene progression, ... if you are willing to open your mind to it. Really makes you reflect on how the homeless are treated and about WWJD (what would Jesus do).

Thats one thing I really like about the show, there are so many different options for the show to go in at any given moment your not sure what to expect from Black Jesus.


Yeah, it's like Life of Brian, where they went after the followers not Jesus. In this show, other than his small group of friends, the larger society thinks Black Jesus is just a loser. I think it hits that point a lot. What would an average modern Christian think of a modern Jesus. They wouldn't like him.

The Python's were reticent to mock Jesus but it can be done. Here's a pretty good example:

"That's what a gym teacher once told me."


Do the modern follorrs of Christ relaly fit that strtpye thoughÉ I know soem do, but most Christains relaly arent the backstabbing hypocrits they are mad eout to be.


Great point. That's what this show really comes down to.

It's not a satire on Christianity. It's a satire on human imperfection. Jesus isn't Jesus, he represents the "average Joe good Christian." He's the one who lives in a world of sin but does his best to adhere to WWJD.


Most of the atheists I know act more "Christlike" in word and deed than the bible thumping bigmouths. Truth.


I second that ;o)


What does your proselytizing have to do with the subject of the thread?


I don't understand your objection. Please elaborate. Your post sounds like you're whining because somebody is being critical of the average, hypocritical cafeteria christian.

If that's what your objection is about, just admit it. It's natural for people to feel self-conscious as their christian privilege is ever-so-slowly chipped away.

If that's not what this is about, please expand on the reasons for your objection.

Janet! Donkeys!


I disagree. One thing I get tired of is the sterotype that Christians are by and large backstabbing Hypoctries, or that Atheists are particularly better. Mind you, I am not sayig all, or even most Atheists are nessisarily bad people, but most of the really in yoru face 'ulitant Atheists, and most peopel whomake comments on how much better Atheists ar than Christians, tend to be really just hateful and bigoted hypoctires themselves.

I live in Tennessee, where most popel are Christians. On avergae, Christians are normal people, and the really devoted oens hwo attend CHruch daily and areÈBible ThumbpersÈ really arent the Fundamentalist Caricatures they are portrayed, btu decent peopel who try to do the Rght thing. I really dontè see the Avergae Christain or the ones hwo are relaly devot4ed to it as beign as bad or somehow not as Christlike as others.


It's like a divine "Fat Albert", with an "It's Always Sunny" age level of humor


Exactly Right....I was just thinking it was a lot like like Fat Albert.


What Clattenburg did for Trailer types

There is another reality...NEVERWHERE


Great book.


yes indeed ratking...cheers

There is another reality...NEVERWHERE


I really enjoy the direction this show has decided to take. I love the story arc idea rather than if they went "Jesus in da hood, getting into hijinks" route which would have been easier to do. Also there is a sweet little message of love and compassion throughout the series. I find it funny that people get so upset if Jesus isnt portrayed as super serious and super revered. When Jesus was around he spoke to and conveyed his message tot he misfits and the outcasts, the elders feared him as a rebel and blasphemer.

This show has a very simple message "love and help thy neighbor", which was one of the main teachings of Jesus. Why get so upset that Jesus is goofy in the show? He isnt stupid and he is very optimistic, compassionate, understanding and full of love. So what if he is happy go lucky and smokes a little weed?


I have to agree with the OP, we live in soceity thats listens to comedians more then anyone else, because they lately tell the truth and reveal the true nature of the world more accurately then the supposed leaders that are supposed to play that role.

I don't think it's mocking of Christ at all, I'm not a christian or at least a practicing christan, but I have read the bible and if the depiction of Christ is supposed to be accurate, then I think his reaction would be fine, because the importance has been always about the MESSAGE not the MESSENGER, and I think this show does that, Black Jesus has a good sense of humor and adopts the culture of which he finds himself as is and not trying to change it to fit some kind of mold.

He spreads a message of peace and love and dishes out the lessons as they come. To be honest I think it's great, in a day in age where we have rampant violence, sex, and all sorts of things that people would say that appeal to our baser instincts and brains.

So I look at it this way, If Black Jesus, is a stoner, a bit goofy and a fun loving person but in doing so spreads the message of just being a good person and treating everyone fairly and with respect, then ya know what, it's a GREAT Tv show, better then alot of the mindless crap out there, and even gives you hope, that maybe we as a society aren't done for.

With so much evil and darkness in the world, it's good to know that people are waking up to it and resisting and trying to turn back the tide.

It's great and I hope it gets renewed, I would love to watch it.


Jesus WAS a genuine and relatable guy. I really enjoy this show. People who are mad about the language forget, that it is only words. I want an honest answer on why some words are "bad" and others aren't? I bet no one can explain that to me. If Jesus was born in the hood, he'd talk like this.

Props to Black Jesus for getting me to revisit my Christian roots. It's not all mega churches and snake oil.

Fate is what you call it when you don't know the name of the person screwing you over.
