Frank and Bill in the Game
I was watching people play the game on Youtube and was shocked how much different Franks and Bills story is in it.
This is 30 minutes of the game with them
They completely changed dynamic and ending. It wasnt lovey-dovey in the game. And Bill didnt actually killed himself from being old, lonely and miserable. He is the same grumpy man and survived fine.
But the most shocking was that Frank dumped Bill in a very cruel way. And Frank didnt die because he was old and sit in a wheel chair. He died because he was bitten and he hang himself because he didnt want to be turned. But before that he left Frank a note that Joel found. I cant actually quote it. That was so cruel. LOL.
"Well, Bill
I doubt you’d ever find this note cause you were too scared to ever make it to this part of town. But if for some reason you did, I want you to know I hated your guts. I grew tired of this shitty town and of your set-in-your-ways attitude. I wanted more from life that his and you could never get that.
And that stupid battery you kept moaning about - I got it. But I guess you were right. Trying to leave this town will kill me. Still better than spending another day with you.
Good luck,