Anybody as transgender

I am fine with Anybody identifying as a boy in this version, but I saw a Screenrant article slamming the original character as a Tomboy as being problematic. How is being a Tomboy or people realistically treating a Tomboy poorly in a piece of art problematic?


Being a Tomboy that's realistically treated poorly by other people is not at all problematic in a piece of art. Frankly, one of the reasons that I prefer the old, original 1961 film version of West Side Story over the 2021 film version of WSS is because in the 1961 film version, Anybodys was a girl and a tomboy who was treated poorly throughout most of the movie but who fought to be accepted as an equal by the Jets.


The original musical was written by three gay Jews, so there's that.


So.....To me that doesn't matter.
