Why I champion West Side Story
I don't usually champion anything made by Disney except maybe the 1976 version of Freaky Friday with Jodie Foster and Barbara Harris, but I felt compelled to stand up for West Side Story especially because it was an underdog that has some gloriously beautiful moments that never happen in cinema these days . I actually wept in the movie , always during one of the musical sequences. I wept for the beauty of Leonard Bernstein's score and Stephen Sondheim's lyrics. I wept because ballet is never seen in American films anymore especially not with males.I wept for the dazzling fluid cinematography from Januscz Kaminski that skillfully dances along with the cast. I wept also for the showman Spielberg who has been a childhood hero from my youth onward. He has made the first film of his I connected with in decades. There's great talent on display among these young actors most of whom probably usually work on Broadway. Those pirouettes are real, not something whipped up by a CGI technician. I don't understand why people don't find this fresh for our age since this is not our usual fare at the multiplex. I feel it needs to be supported by people who want to keep culture alive in an age in which juvenalia triumphs through the superhero garbage movies.