Don't listen to the idiots making a big deal about the use of Spanish
I just got finished seeing Spielberg's West Side Story and can truthfully say, as one who doesn't speak Spanish, that I was never confused about what was being communicated even when Spanish was being spoken. It was usually something simple like "Maria--come inside" or something similar. Usually if someone says something in Spanish, a translation in English immediately follows, oftentimes because the character of Anita keeps reminding the Puerto Ricans to speak English. There was only one scene near the end between Chino and the Sharks that was spoken in Spanish that left me a little confused, but the rest of the film you can figure out what the meaning is intuitively. A lot of the boo-hooing about using Spanish is coming from the same types who are getting their panties in a wad because they fear that Spielberg has gone "woke". The only bit of "wokeness" I discerned was when the elderly Rita Moreno pronounces judgement on the Jets that they are "rapists" because they almost force themselves on Anita near the end. It actually looked more like a "rape" in the '61 version, to be quite honest.
Don't listen to the naysayers. There is no "40% in Spanish" garbage like dimwits are spreading. Any moderately intelligent person can figure out what is being conveyed even if they occasionally hear a sentence or two in a language they don't know.